We offer two search engines initially, Google and Duck-Duck-Go.
Google is the world's most frequently used search engine.
DDG produces similar results but does not track user searches across sites, thus preserving your anonymity.
Where the option exists, we have enabled child safeguards, but we are not responsible for the content of sites that may be indexed in web search results.
Type keywords or search terms in the box and click/tap the blue button.
Type keywords or search terms in the box and click/tap the button. Results will open in this same tab/window.
More about DDG
DDG generally has fewer ads and does not track searches across sites; advertising is based solely on what you search for here and not on what you did somewhere else.
Type keywords or search terms in the box and click/tap the blue button. Results will open in a new window.
More about Google
Google is a highly efficient, productive and popular service. Google also knows what you previously searched and where you were on the night of January 17, 2017. Thus site-specific results may follow advertising by third-parties seeking to sell you soap, etc., because you happened to mention a common keyword in your Gmail three years ago.